StoneBy Portugal
StoneBy Portugal
A agenda Sustainable StonebyPORTUGAL pretende contribuir para o aumento das exportações e do valor acrescentado no Setor da Pedra Natural, aumentar o investimento em Investigação e Desenvolvimento e em Inovação e contribuir para a descarbonização do Setor.
Agenda Verde | +IDT e Inovação | Descarbonização | + Valor Acrescentado | + Exportação
Green Light for Vangest, Erofio and Solancis Mobilizing Agendas
Projects will now enter the negotiation phase, during which the amounts of support will be fixed. Projects will now enter…
Prime Minister visited a company in Benedita
The Prime Minister António Costa was at the company Solancis, in Benedita, on the 7th of October, leader of the…
Presentation of the Sustainable Stone by Portugal (PRR) Agenda at the event "Mobilizing Agendas in the Alentejo
The SUSTAINABLE STONE BY PORTUGAL AGENDA was presented on April 4th in Évora, at the event “Mobilizing Agendas in the…
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